الثلاثاء، 18 فبراير 2014

Free dog insurance

We all like to treat our pets like family because they are part of the family. However, when it comes to foods, it’s best to stick to your pet’s dog food and dog treats. Even so, there are times that someone’s going to slip your dog something of his or her plate. Just know that there are four foods, among others, that should never be fed to your family dog
This yummy guacamole ingredient may be quite the healthy food for humans, but don’t feed it to your dog. The avocado contains persin, which in larger quantities can be very toxic for dogs. If you grow avocados, note that the leaves, the bark and the seed are also toxic so if your pet likes to nibble on these things you might need to remove them
It might be cute to see your dog lap up beer that may have spilled on the floor or watch him lick wine out of your glass, but alcohol is no good for dogs. It effects the liver just as it does in humans, but it can do a lot more damage and quickly
There can be diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing and even death. Especially if the dog is a very small breed, the effects are increased dramatically. If your dog shows any of these symptoms it is imperative to get him to a veterinarian
Enough caffeine can be the death of a dog. Avoid feeding your pet tea, coffee or other caffeinated beverages. Poisoning is noticed with symptoms of heart palpitations, rapid breathing, bleeding and tremors or twitching. Remember that caffeine is hidden in cold medicines and some pain relievers. Caffeine is also just part of the reason that chocolate can be poisonous for dogs as well
Dairy Products
A popular treat for your dog is letting him lick the ice cream bowl or even feeding him an ice cream cone. It’s easy to think this cold treat on a hot day is doing the dog a favor. However, it causes many allergies as well as upsetting the tummy. All dairy products including cheese and other milk-based products are not your pet’s friends. If you notice extreme, sudden itching it would be wise to contact a professional as soon as possible to get Fido checked out
It is always wise to ask your vet what the best diet is for your four-legged family member. A healthy dog is one that eats food that benefits the whole body with proper nutrients. Just be wary of some foods we eat are not necessarily good for your pet

Free cat insurance

Free cat insurance
With cat insurance, cat owners can rest assured that the financial strain can be lessened so they can make decisions based primarily on what is the best option for their cat, not which option is within their budgetary restraints
These serious health conditions include heart disease and cancer, and can be devastating to a family. In addition, cats are also susceptible to chronic health conditions like hyperthyroidism and kidney disease. These chronic conditions often come with a lifetime of treatment, such as life-long medication or monthly check-ups with a veterinarian.The cost that comes with this advanced level of care is high and many times not within a family’s budget. That is why cat insurance makes so much sense

Best cat insurance

Best cat insurance
Trupanion offers one simple insurance plan for your cat with 90% coverage and no payout limits. Monthly cat insurance premiums are based on your location, cat’s breed, cat's gender and age at time of enrollment
By obtaining the best cat insurance available, you will have peace of mind that in case of an illness or accident, your cat can be well cared for without a financial burden 

Cheap pet insurance for dogs

Cheap pet insurance for dogs
You'll compare and find the cheapest pet insurance for dogs
What you'll pay as a premium will vary hugely, depending on variables including your pet's age, its pedigree and where you live (vets' bills are higher in London and the south east of England). Once you've decided which cover suits you and your pet, you're ready to compare prices

A couple of points if you are looking for pet insurance

A couple of points if you are looking for pet insurance
You need to be aware that once you have a mature dog (usually 8 years old) new insurance companies won't take you so you are locked in with your current insurer
In our case (E&L) our dog(12years old) had a growth on her leg a couple of years ago and although it was benign the company excluded and further growths including cancer from our policy, this year she has had pyometra and she has a heart condition
Check with you vet who they recommend and more importantly who they don't, our vet will wait for payment from some insurers but not for others based on who queries every little thing, who takes months to payout
We have just paid out £1500 but because she is a mature dog the limit we can claim is £500 less 35% of vets fee the total we are due is £280 for the Pyometra and £130 for the heart. We haven't recieved the payout yet! but we have recieved a letter saying they will no longer cover the heart( the pyometra she can't get again because she had her uterus removered) We can't move because of her age. In our experience I would take out insurance for the first year when anything that your dog was born with show itself but after that I wouldn't insure again

Protect your dog for accidents by dog insurance

We have 4 increasing levels of medical insurance coverage to protect your dog for accidents, illnesses and even wellness care. Plus, by protecting your best friend with dog medical insurance when he or she is young and healthy, you can be financially prepared for the unexpected while getting help to afford preventive care to keep your dog in top shape
Our dog insurance can help you avoid a tough choice between your finances and your dog’s health

Dog insurance to offset costs

Dog insurance to offset costs
Advances in veterinary medicine have given dogs a fighting chance to overcome even challenging medical problems. But the costs for these treatments and quality care overall continue to rise. Having dog insurance to offset costs is becoming more important every day. In fact, in 2010 US pet parents spent more than $13 billion on veterinary medical care—up 40% from 2006

Top 5 cat insurance claims

Top 5 cat insurance claims
From accidental ingestions to cancer, we see all kinds of accident and illness claims for cats. Here are some of the most common ones
: Accidents *
Bite wounds
Swallowed objects
Fractured teeth
Leg fractures
: Illnesses *
Chronic kidney failure
Upset stomach
Growths / Cancer
Urinary tract infections

Pet cat insurance coverage

More sophisticated veterinary treatments are available for cats to help them recover from even challenging health conditions. But the costs for these treatments and quality care overall continue to rise. In fact, in 2010 US pet parents spent more than $13 billion on veterinary care—up 40% from 2006!* Having a cat health insurance plan can help you afford these treatment costs
It’s important to protect these furry family members with cat insurance, even if they’re strictly indoor kitties. As much as we try to keep them safe, cats might accidently trip and fall, get out of the house and into trouble or eat something they shouldn’t, like dental floss. They can also suffer from unexpected health issues as common as stomach upset to more serious problems like kidney disease

Pet Insurance , Is it right for you

Pet Insurance , Is it right for you
Of the estimated $45.4 billion Americans spent on their pets in 2009, $12.2 billion - 27% of the total cost  was expected to be devoted to veterinary care, according to the American Pet Products Association. That would be a 10% increase from 2008
But pet owners with insurance are still a small minority. The American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that in 2007, 72 million dogs and nearly 82 million cats were kept as pets in the U.S. Yet there were only 850,000 pet insurance policies in effect that year, according to the National Commission on Veterinary Economic Issues
Insurers have teamed with the American Kennel Club and Petco Animal Supplies to offer the insurance, and more than 1,600 companies - including Office Depot and Google - provide the coverage as an optional employee benefit

Pet insurance policies are similar to human insurance policies

Pet insurance policies are similar to human insurance policies
Most companies start policies at age 6-8 weeks, some have no age limit, and of the others I researched, one had a limit of 27 years, others had a limit of 8 years of age (if the animal was insured when less than 8 years, coverage would continue beyond 8 years
Pet health policies are similar to human insurance policies; annual premiums, deductibles, and different coverage plans based on what the owner chooses. Plans are based on species, age, pre-existing conditions and in some cases, lifestyle of the pet (i.e. indoor vs. outdoor cat)

Pet insurance company

Question 1: Are clients able to go to any veterinarian, or only through your insurance providers
Answer: Our policyholders are allowed to visit any licensed veterinarian in the United States or Canada
Question 2: How long has your company been in business, and where are you based
Answer: We were incorporated In January 2013, but sold our first policy this month (October 2013)
Question 3: Are age-related (senior) checkups, illnesses, and medications covered
Answer: Depends on the plan that the customer enrolls in for their pet. All pets are eligible to enroll in the Level 1 plan no matter their age
 Question 4: Are hereditary and breed-related conditions covered
Answer: We have 2 plans: Level 3 and Level 4 that have some coverage for hereditary and congenital conditions
Question 5: Does your company offer wellness plans
Answer: Yes we have two wellness options available on our Level 3 and Level 4 plans. We have routine and advanced option plans that the consumer can choose from, depending on the level of coverage that is right for them and their pet

Cost of pet insurance

Deductibles and co-pays (also called "co-insurance"), are intended to lessen both the number of total claims paid, and the number of unnecessary procedures and diagnostic tests
Some companies will charge a flat deductible of $50 to $100, depending on the age of the pet, for each procedure; in addition almost all policies will require a co-pay of 10% to 20% of the veterinarian's fee

Pet health insurance policies

Pet health insurance policies
One of the most common is the "pre-existing condition" exclusion, which can be defined loosely as "injuries, medical conditions and symptoms of concern that were evident prior to enrollment"
Other exclusions may include neutering/spaying, hip-dysplasia, vaccinations, flea control, heartworm medication, dental care, or limitations for certain illnesses of cats not neutered prior to first birthday
All pet health insurance policies have exclusions

Factors to consider before you buy pet health insurance for your cat

Factors to consider before you buy pet health insurance for your cat
Here are some details to question about any pet health insurance plan before you buy it, and other considerations. Pet health insurance, like other forms of insurance, is a gamble. You're betting your cat will need it, and the company is setting odds that it won't, in terms of limits and other fine print. You may, in fact, decide against it, depending on your own situation, and your willingness to gamble
Fortunately many pet health insurance plans allow you to use any veterinarian you choose
If you are determined to stay with your own veterinarian, check with your veterinarian before buying. Their approved lists of veterinarians may require extra driving time. (Of course, if your veterinarian is listed, you're one step ahead.)The four companies listed here all state on their web sites that you have a free choice of veterinarians. Ask all companies to see their policy, before signing

Cat insurance

The type of coverage you choose should depend on many considerations, such as your priorities, your pet and your budget. That's why Petsecure offers a wide range and several types of coverage to choose from